(Founded 1891)

Club Membership
Welcome to the Membership page. On this page, you will be able to see what membership packages are currently available.
The Club offers a variety of membership packages, which are listed below.
Ordinary Members: Subject to Rules 6 & 7, only former pupils and teaching staff, while they are at the School and afterwards, shall be eligible to be Ordinary Members of the Club.
Associate Members: A maximum of 75 persons may be elected to Associate Membership of the Club at any one time. Applicants must be proposed and seconded by the Chairman and Secretary of one of the sections of the main Committee of the Club for consideration. Annual Associate Members pay the Annual OW Club Subscription and are eligible for re-election at the committee meeting prior to 31st December.
Honorary Members: Subject to Rule 7, all past and present School staff, governors and trustees shall be eligible to be Honorary Members of the Club. Subject to Rule 7(b), other persons who are deemed to have rendered valuable and exceptional service to the School or Club may also be elected to Honorary Membership.
Temporary Membership: Subject to Rule 4( c ) this privilege will be granted to visiting teams and their families for the day of activity only.
Annual £10
10 Year Membership £80
Life Membership £300
School Leavers £10 to cover membership until 31 December, two years after leaving school.
Subscriptions are due on 1st January each year
A Membership application form and bank mandate are available on this site. Please click on the drop down option 'Member Application' from the 'Club Membership' button on the toolbar and then download. By selecting 'enable editing' on the word document you can complete the form and email or print and send it to us. The application form should be accompanied by a cheque made payable to “OW Club” (if not using the bank mandate) and sent to James Barney. The bank mandate section should be sent to your own bank preferably leaving the “Date of last payment” open ended.
All Membership enquiries should be directed to the Club Treasurer& Secretary , James Barney , 07546 253643, barnj001@yahoo.co.uk or by e-mailing Chris Halls ( see below) or making contact with others on our "Contact Us" or “OWC Officials” page.
In the event of any problems, send an email to chris.halls@btopenworld.com with your name, email address and we'll send you the forms in a return email.